Traveling means being on the road. This knowledge is even more ingrained in our minds since the pandemic was announced: Traveling has an existential meaning. Marcin Andrzejewski’s photographic journey takes up this theme in a unique way and takes us to places that are important to him from the point of view of cultural history or subjective experience. I look at these photos I have the urge to immediately share with my fellow travelers – which is life – not only what I see but ask them if this is a joke or a provocation? Nevertheless, with the point of view – personal – it is difficult to discuss, it gives us that something unique – Own sensitivity. We gain a lot, because in addition to the world of ideas, the viewpoints, experiences and biographies of other travelers, in our case also the photographer, are very inspiring – which intensifies the role of the image.
Marcin creates beautiful photographic projects, documenting Africa the last few years is looking out for the end of restrictions and opening the way to continue the wonderful black and white photography in wet collodion technique.
Traveling is not only in the field. The other same place is our own head. After all, it’s the memories we store in ourselves.
Memory embraces not only the visible, but perhaps most importantly, what is hidden and arising from encounters with people encountered on the road. Marcin Andrzejewski’s new exhibition is a reach for new technologies both in the area of image registration and dissemination. He used a smartphone for photography and made the photographs public through the online platform instagram.
Does this conflict with historical photography on glass plates, of which Marcin is a master. Well, no. After all, we are constantly confronted with wonderful frames that take, abduct us on an intellectual journey. We can compare what Marcin has offered us with our experiences. It is the discovery of new areas of the world, which for many of us are hidden.To photograph with passion, seriously, and at the same time with pleasure – it is best done in the form of a dialogue, in exchange with other arguments, on the basis of good, original visual material. Marcin Andrzejewski’s photographs are ideal for this. This is because they are – in their form – universal. Thanks to their “literary” form, we are already in the middle of the events.
Marek Poźniak

Traveling means being on the road. This knowledge is even more ingrained in our minds since the pandemic was announced: Traveling has an existential meaning. Marcin Andrzejewski’s photographic journey takes up this theme in a unique way and takes us to places that are important to him from the point of view of cultural history or subjective experience. I look at these photos I have the urge to immediately share with my fellow travelers – which is life – not only what I see but ask them if this is a joke or a provocation? Nevertheless, with the point of view – personal – it is difficult to discuss, it gives us that something unique – Own sensitivity. We gain a lot, because in addition to the world of ideas, the viewpoints, experiences and biographies of other travelers, in our case also the photographer, are very inspiring – which intensifies the role of the image.
Marcin creates beautiful photographic projects, documenting Africa the last few years is looking out for the end of restrictions and opening the way to continue the wonderful black and white photography in wet collodion technique.
Traveling is not only in the field. The other same place is our own head. After all, it’s the memories we store in ourselves.
Memory embraces not only the visible, but perhaps most importantly, what is hidden and arising from encounters with people encountered on the road. Marcin Andrzejewski’s new exhibition is a reach for new technologies both in the area of image registration and dissemination. He used a smartphone for photography and made the photographs public through the online platform instagram.
Does this conflict with historical photography on glass plates, of which Marcin is a master. Well, no. After all, we are constantly confronted with wonderful frames that take, abduct us on an intellectual journey. We can compare what Marcin has offered us with our experiences. It is the discovery of new areas of the world, which for many of us are hidden.To photograph with passion, seriously, and at the same time with pleasure – it is best done in the form of a dialogue, in exchange with other arguments, on the basis of good, original visual material. Marcin Andrzejewski’s photographs are ideal for this. This is because they are – in their form – universal. Thanks to their “literary” form, we are already in the middle of the events.
Marek Poźniak