

Stanisław Niedźwiecki – Poland

Stanisław Niedźwiecki – Poland Stanisław Niedźwiecki was born on May 23, 1890, in Shaykuny, a place on the border of...


Instagra Traveling means being on the road. This knowledge is even more ingrained in our minds since the pandemic was...

GTF – Collodion Portraits

GTF – Collodion Portraits  The wet collodion technique, invented in 1851 by English sculptor Frederik Scott Archer, also known as...

1120km, Gambia River

1120km, Gambia River Today, April 1, 2019, a plethora of travel photographs have been taken, with the day being no...

Hell’s Kitchen

Hell’s Kitchen “Hell’s Kitchen” is, it would seem, a rather unobvious name for a photographic exhibition. However, just after crossing...

Shangri La

Shangri La Referring to the modern metropolis as Shangri-La, Marcin Andrzejewski provokes. He encourages the rejection of the mundane meanings...

Roadside Scenes II

Roadsides scenes II  … reality is a matter of energy. Energy flowing between “us”. The phenomenon of photography is the...

Stanisław Niedźwiecki – Persja

Stanisław Niedźwiecki – Persja  The photographic archive of Stanisław Niedźwiecki, who died in 1976, has recently become the subject of...

Roadside Scenes

Roadsides scenes Roadside Scenes – a metaphorical title associated primarily with observation while traveling. Observation, in turn, irrevocably constitutes an...
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